Russian Poem : Vladimir Mayakovsky "Morning"

Hellooo :) , my first blog haha. Sebenernya sih udah dari SMP punyak blog, tapi baru sekarang kepikiran buat nge-post sesuatu heheh. Ok, langsung point aja dehh. Karena 2 minggu lalu kebagian presentasi puisi ini dan buat nyari referensi versi Indonesianya susah banget. Kayaknya emang belum ada yang ngepost puisi Rusia ini hehe. Because of that, aku tulis aja tuh puisi disini, kali aja kan nanti ada yang butuh gitu :) . Then, check it out!

Puisi ini menceritakan tentang pengalaman si penulis, dimana pada tahun 1912 di Moscow, social status kaum proletar atau low class dikontrol oleh kaum borjuis atau high class. Sehingga, Vladimir menulis puisi ini untuk menentang keadaan itu. Disisi lain, puisi ini juga untuk seorang wanita yang dicintainya, Maria, tapi wanita ini tidak mencintainya dan memilih pria lain dari kalangan kaum borjuis. Nahh, itu adalah inti puisi nya. di bawah ini teks puisi aslinya yang aku copy paste dari PDF Vladimir Mayakovsky Poem.
The sullen rain (1)
Cast a glance (2)
Beyond the still (3)
Clear grille- (4)
The iron reasoning of wires strung overhead- (5)
A featherbed (6)
And on it (7)
Rested lightly (8)
The legs of rising stars (9)
But as (10)
The streetlamps-tsar (11)
In crowns of gas (12)
Began to die (13)
They made more painful for the eye (14)
The petty wars (15)
Of the bouquet of boulevard whores (16)
And horrid (17)
The lurid (18)
Pecking laughter (19)
That jokes leave after (20)
Arose (21)
From the yellow roses’(22)
Poisoned rows (23)
In zig-zag (24)
But at the back (25)
Of all the wrack-ing  (26)
horror (27)
And the squalor (28)
The eye rejoiced, at last; (29)
The slave crosses (30)
Sufferingly-placidly-indifferent (31)
The coffins (32)
Of the brothels (33)
Full of riff-raff (34)
Were flung into one flaming vase by the (35)
Dawning east (36)

*Ini rangkuman dari biografi si penulis yang sumbernya dari PDF juga...
Written by Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky in 1912. He was born on 19 July 1893, in Baghdadi or Georgia (now), Russian. Then he moved to Moscow where his elder sister studying after his father dead. Before he is writing a poetry, he joined in Russian Social-Democratic Worker’s Party and jailed for subversive activity. He began to write poetry during the solitary confinement in 1909. 
In the last three years after joined the party he took part in many hazardous revolution. Then because of his influenced, he is arrested in the Butyrisky prison, he wrote his autobiography during his prison. After he is released, he joined the futurist, the most extreme trend in Russian modernism which took shape during crisis of bourgeois culture, in the period of preparation for the proletarian revolution. 
Futurist influence his poem, but finally, he found his own path. After he found his own path in written poem, he written his poem entitled Cloud In Pants in 1915. During his resistance to bourgeois people he was rejected by a woman he loved. Her name is Maria, Maria rejection not only as his own defeat loved, but also as declaration war to him, the rebel, by the entire bourgeois society. 
He wrote a poem about Lenin, a Russian founder. He following Lenin ideas, and spread it out in his poem. He travel around reciting Vladimir Ilyich lenin telling about him, about life in the Soviet union, and the great upsurge of Soviet culture. He against the war by spread the spirit of heroic in his poem. But in late 1930, he kept his private, he does not met his friends during the time. The involved circumstances of his private life and extremely inauspicious atmosphere created around him by literary ill-wisher, then on April 14 1930, he committed suicide.



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